Fixing my environment

Maryam Noor
4 min readApr 2, 2021

An act of leadership without authority

After learning the importance of leadership in online course “Everyday leadership” by Amal academy I have cleared so many misconceptions I had about leadership and responsibility prior. And in order to implement my learnings I am writing this blog as part of my 1st project that is, practicing leadership without authority by making a positive change to my environment. I am sitting in my room as I am writing and the view from my desk is as so

My room as seen from my desk with special focus on my cluttered bed side table

Upon further inspection of my room I noticed that my bed side table was looking a bit messy and when I walked up to it and opened the drawer I was greeted by a mess of tangled wires, an assortment of stationary items that had escaped my pen holder and other random things I had stashed inside in an attempt to make my room appear cleaner. The lower portion was thankfully cleaned and organized. Have a look at the mess that greeted me when I opened the top drawer.

“Hello there Maryam, why did you forget about us ?”— the contents of my drawer

As you can tell by the state of the drawer it had been neglected for quite a long while and I had not cleaned it in ages. In fact I discovered so many things that I had misplaced like my lamp charger. As I had finally payed attention to its abysmal state I decided to clean it thoroughly. I started by emptying out the contents of the drawer and cleaning the inside with a clean cloth. I than decided on what things belonged in the drawer and what needed to be placed else where. I placed the items that did not belong to their respective places and than organized the remaining things in the drawer neatly. Here is a view of how I organized everything

A clean drawer with everything visible and easy to grab

I also cleaned the top and and decluttered it

Cleaning and organizing things is one of my favorite things to do so I felt satisfied when I took the time to clear out the junk from this drawer. I had been pretty lazy as of late so I ignored this part of my room. The drawer also does not have a knob so I have to open it by pushing it out from the the inner compartment. That is one of the reasons why it took me so long to clean it out. Truth be told this activity is what pushed me to stop procrastinating and actually set out to clean because I kept making excuses to myself and delaying it because the mess looked intimidating. But when I did set out to clean it hardly took me 5 to 10 minutes. I realized that I needed to take responsibility and fix this part of my room and just because no one is telling me to go clean it does not mean that I should ignore it and move about my day. That is the thing about taking accountability and leadership that you should not have to rely on an authoritative figure to tell you what you need to do. This activity further cemented the idea that leadership can come in small forms and just a little act of holding yourself responsible for your own life choices and behaviors can train you to practice leadership on a bigger scale.

Overall this activity helped me in relating leadership to everyday life and I learned to see things in a new perspective. A big thanks to Amal academy for this amazing lesson😍👏.

