Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Maryam Noor
2 min readApr 16, 2021


The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. After learning about the Pomodoro Technique I was intrigued to try it out so I decided to use it for a task that I have been putting off for a while now. I was supposed to read a book for a subject I am studying that is sports nutrition. I was then supposed to make notes for it to make it easier to revise in exam season.

I started working at 12 pm on Tuesday and set my timer to 12:25. I took a 5 minute break in which I refilled my glass of water and drew a star on a piece of paper. I continued again at 12:30 and worked till 12:55. Again I drew a star and checked on WhatsApp. I continued doing so till 2:40 after which my task was done. I also wrote down distractions that I had while working

a) The stars I drew after every 25 mins b) The distracting thoughts I had during the time I worked

This experiment was not too difficult for me because I have employed such techniques before. I did enjoy it however and got my work done so that was a plus. I believe it pushed me to work diligently but I don’t think it was extra beneficial because the main issue I face is not getting started. Once I start working I can usually carry one without too many breaks. This technique was great to help me get started but the 5 min break after 25 min ruined my tempo most of the times. Just as I started getting in the flow the timer rang and I had to stop. Other than that I had a good experience. I liked the part where I had to write my distractions it turned out to be helpful. Here are the notes I prepared.

My notes

I might use this technique again if I ever find it difficult to get to work but I might modify the timings a little bit. All in all it is a good technique and I finished my work because of it.

