Amal Totkay

Maryam Noor
3 min readApr 9, 2021


Having a growth mindset is an integral part of entrepreneurship. For this purpose, we learned about 5 tips to help us integrate a growth mindset in our daily life. These included self talk, getting out of your comfort zone, creating new habits, asking for help and fake it till you make it

The first tip about self talk encourages us to change the way we address our selves. Having a negative outlook on life can hinder progress. It can create a barrier between us and our own capabilities. To combat this problem we should create a habit to always think positively and to make hopeful and encouraging remarks towards ourselves. I learned that self talk is a very powerful thing and works wonders for boosting self esteem.

Getting out of your comfort zone is the most difficult thing for most people but without it there is no room for self improvement. One of the key characteristics of having a growth mindset is to try new things. Trying new things can be pretty intimidating but is very helpful in boosting self confidence and self assurance. Hence getting out of your comfort zone assures growth and learning.

Creating new habits will allow you to integrate your new learnings to practice. By self reflection we get to know our weakness and by problem solving we identify a solution. Creating new habits is the practical implementation of our solution. By adapting productive habits we can replace our old harmful habits and become a better version of ourselves.

Getting help is so important. We need to realize that it is ok to ask for help. We can not know how to do everything on our own and attempting to be completely self reliant is exhausting. Learning how to ask for help not only helps in building connections but also makes things easier for us.

And last but not least, fake it till you make it is the best advice to implement any new habit that is scary. Speaking from personal experience, by pretending to be confident in yourselves you can eventually become confident and it happens so naturally that you will not even realize when it happened.

Out of all these tips my favorite one is fake it till you make it and self talk because I have personally implemented them in my life and reaped outstanding results. We can implement these steps by first visualizing a clear plan and them taking small steps towards it. For example, if you want to try to self talk better, first think of scenarios that make you talk negatively of your self and then think about what you should say to yourself instead. The next time when you catch yourself thinking negatively, remember your affirmations and repeat them to yourself. Similarly, if you want to try ‘fake it till you make it’ adopt habits that will make you appear confident and practice them. Practice holding eye contact, speaking clearly and walking with a confident gait in your family and friends circles. Then you can implement this in professional settings.

These little tips are all very easy to follow and even easier to adopt. It takes a little commitment and some practice. Soon you will find yourself on the path to having a growth mindset in no time.

